Der Hamburger Künstler Ulrich Jenneßen experimentiert in seinen Werken auf ganz ungewöhnliche Weise mit den Möglichkeiten, die sich heute durch die digitale Bildgestaltung und technologisch hoch entwickelten Pietzo-Pigment-Druckverfahren bieten. Sattleuchtende, monochrome Farbflächen und filigran gezeichnete Details durchmischen sich in seiner medialen Darstellungen, gedruckt auf hochwertigem Büttenpapier.

Jenneßen unterwandert in seinen Multiforms die Gesetze der klassischen Bildkomposition. Selbst gestaltete bildnerische Vorlagen übergibt der Künstler für die weitere Bildlenkung den modernen Bildmaschinen und steuert mit Hilfe der Technik neuartige malerische Prozesse.

Betitelt wie Momente, Venice, Blickwinkel oder Afrika, reflektieren die Werke persönliche Erinnerungen und wollen Gefühltes und existenzielle Erfahrungen sichtbar machen. Formale Uneindeutigkeit ist beabsichtigt. Zwischen Figürlichkeit und Abstraktion pendelnd, fordert Jenneßens digitalistische Malereien eine Neubewertung künstlerischer Gestaltungsmittel heraus.

Bewusst offendeutig belassen, wollen sie die Sinne des Betrachters anregen und unterbewusst Hintergründiges sichtbar machen, Fragen aufwerfen zu Grenzerfahrungen menschlicher Existenz und sozialkritischen Aspekten des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens.

Dr. Annette Baumann
Kunsthistorikerin, Hamburg

ULRICH JENNEßEN Maler | Grafiker
Studied graphic arts at the University of the Arts Bremen in the 1960’s

Educated at the University of the Arts Bremen in the 1960’s, Ulrich Jenneßen has adopted a large range of artistic genres, conjoining these in completely new pictorial ways. In a highly sophisticated manner, he masters the interplay of forms and colors, which serves as a basis for all artistic creation. Drawing upon the potentials of digital image processing, he gives shape to his intensely emotion-governed ideas. In his very own aesthetic inventions entitled multiforms, Jenneßen unites the various techniques of photography, graphic arts, sculpture, and painting in a unique symbiosis. Through the integration of the technical devices the production process becomes so complex that the genesis of the works is not immediately comprehensible, remaining a mystery to the viewer.

In a kind of preliminary step, traces of Jenneßen’s aesthetic experiments are consigned to contemporary image processors as photographic sources for the subsequent creative procedure of painting. Through specific interventions in the digital imagery the artist controls the transformation of the initial pictorial inventions.

Here, found objects derived from everyday life, from the junkyard or from nature are also frequently included, among these wire netting or certain rock formations, which reappear as reminiscences on the new pictorial surfaces. The works reflect Jenneßen’s particular interest in surface structures, which overlie the newly emerging pictorial surfaces like collage-style membranes. In his multiforms, Jenneßen develops entirely new compositional possibilities through the atypical treatment via the image processor. In doing so, he completely disrupts the laws of classical pictorial composition with the intention of making emotional phenomena more palpable. The dramatic line structures, richly glowing color fields and formal spheres of his medial works have a strong visual appeal. The leaking color formations and scrawled, frayed, or straight endless lines are aesthetically rooted in the artist’s conceptual approach.

In analogy to processes of nature, Jenneßen’s bodies of color constitute extraordinary entities, which are in a constant flux of nascence and emergence. Indeed, involved in a never-ending, open process, they challenge the viewers’ perception in entirely new ways. Are real forms to be found here or are we merely reminded of something, which we deemed to know? This ambiguity incorporates deviations and the element of surprise, and attempts to capture these in the pictorial composition. By channeling his sources into digital processes and by deliberately disrupting or giving free rein to the procedure, the artist subverts concepts of the predictable.

The original elements of the images are so strongly modified that details and figurative associations are only revealed to the viewer upon closer examination. Thus, for example, in Barcelona the photographed facial portrait is transformed and thereby alienated to such an extent that only the sparkling reflection of light upon the lens of a pair of glasses evokes memories of the city.

With the objective of addressing problems of our times, Jenneßen’s innovative formal worlds rendered on classic high-quality paper are set against the technical and fact-oriented world. Parallel to the high degree of artistic sophistication in his work, the artist wishes to draw the attention to modern man who is increasingly becoming dependent of exterior influences, engaged in conflict with the consequences of globalization and with the general acceleration of the world, and alienated from his own needs. Exploitation, racism, violence, and grief are existential experiences, which are to be found in his works as small, allusive, concrete relicts. Apart from profound reflections, due to the optical illusions they create, works such as Barcelona (2006), Seelenwanderung (Transmigration of Souls, 2007) or Blicke (Gazes, 2007) stimulate the viewers to simply depart on imaginative mental journeys of their own design.

Dr. Annette Baumann

Ulrich Jennessen
Ulrich Jennessen Galerie
Ulrich Jennessen
Ulrich Jennessen Presse Tango 1
Ulrich Jennessen Presse Tango 2
Ulrich Jennessen Presse Tango 2
Ulrich Jennessen Presse Tango 3
Ulrich Jennessen Presse Tango 4
Ulrich Jennessen Presse Art 1
Ulrich Jennessen Presse Art 2
Ulrich Jennessen
Ulrich Jennessen

Studium an der Kunsthochschule Bremen

Freie Malerei

Malerei & Zeichnung Objekte


2007 Stuttgart
GA | Galerie Jens Goethe

2008 Hamburg
GA | Galerie Jens Goethel
in Kooperation mit Kulturreich

2009 Worpswede
EZ | Studiengalerie Busse

2009 Dresden
Blickwinkel | EZ
Hellerau –
Europäisches Zentrum
der Künste

2010 Hamburg
EZ | Galerie Jens Goethel

2012 Hamburg
Schatten trifft Seele
EZ | Fabrik der Künste

2013 Hamburg
Up up and away
GA | Galerie im Sprinkenhof

2014 | 16 Hamburg
NCL Stiftung


2014 Hamburg
EA | Fabrik der Künste

2015 Hamburg
GA | Loft 2 | EA Loft 3
Galerie Goethel

2016 Berlin
Momente | EA Galerie no3

2012 | 13 | 14 | 16 Hamburg
GA | EA |
Affordable Art Fair

2019 Hamburg
Aufbrechen |
Barlachhalle K
GA | Landesverband der
Hamburger Galerien e.V.

2021 Hamburg
Aufmerken Stadthöfe
GA | Landesverband der
Hamburger Galerien e.V.

2021 Hamburg
EA | Fabrik der Künste

2021 Hamburg
Kinderarbeit |
terres des hommes
GA | Fabrik der Künste

Ulrich Jenneßen  I  Bellevue 8  I  22301 Hamburg-Winterhude, Deutschland